Yes it is undeniably true! Our first snow came on October 10th! Now once again... we are from TEXAS, we don't see snow very often if ever. So when we came down stairs and opened our blinds- we were pretty amazed. Our neighbors had already been outside playing in it for like 2 hours- while we were shocked- and I think the kids were trying to figure out what the heck it was! Cailyn was just happy she could eat her froot loops first! :)
I managed to get them some breakfast and all bundled up so we could go play outside too! Cailyn was very excited, Peyton was mad because he was wearing all the winter gear, and I was scared because all my winter gear is still in TEXAS! Oh and the only reason why I have winter gear like snow pants and boots is because we went skiing one year, you don't see stuff like that on the shelfs at Target like you do here.
We successfully played outside for about an hour, but had to go in because poor Peyton couldn't walk or really move in his gear. His gear did fit him perfectly though (thanks Dana & Carter)! I told Cailyn we could go back out during his nap time, but it all melted by then- I am quite confident we will have plenty more opportunities! :) Her favorite part was making snowballs to throw at each other!
Cailyn giving Bubby a kiss through the door